Cleaning agent is all-encompassing, industrial cleaning is only one of them, generally refers to the process of industrial production involved in the cleaning belongs to the industrial cleaning.Industrial cleaning agent has an index for cleaning precision, according to different industries, want to achieve the purpose of cleaning, choose different precision cleaning agent.Do you know the cleaning precision of industrial cleaning agent?
As a cleaning agent manufacturers, with you know what is industrial cleaning agent cleaning precision, convenient when you buy cleaning agent has a reference.
According to the different requirements of cleaning precision, it is mainly divided into three categories: general industrial cleaning, precision industrial cleaning and ultra-precision industrial cleaning.
General industrial cleaning including vehicles, ships, aircraft surface, industrial equipment and parts of the cleaning, generally can only remove relatively large dirt;
Precision industrial cleaning includes cleaning of various products in the process of processing, cleaning of various materials and surfaces, etc. It is characterized by the ability to remove tiny dirt particles.
Ultra-precision cleaning includes ultra-precision cleaning of mechanical parts, electronic components, optical components, etc. in the process of precision industrial production, with the purpose of removing extremely tiny dirt particles.
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